Timing Is Critical to Successful Retread
Truck Fleet Operators Who Retread Their Tires Will Save Money By Paying Greater Attention To The Timing Of Casing Replacement
Too many truck fleet operators wait until tire tread depth has been worn down past the point of safety before removing their tires for retreading, according to TRIB, the Tire Retread Information Bureau. TRIB warns that it can be risky to wait until the tire tread has reached the legal minimum of 2/32"* if the casing is required for retreading. *4/32" on front wheels of a bus, truck or truck tractor. Source: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations - 393.75. At this depth, the potential for permanent casing damage is high, because there is very little rubber left on the tire to deflect stones from cutting into the remaining tread and into the steel belt area. With proper maintenance procedures, most truck casings should be capable of at least two retreads in addition to their original tread life. Other causes of premature casing loss, which can be avoided, include:
Inadequate attention to air pressure and maintenance.
Overloading beyond a tire's rated capacity.
Using tires that are unsuited for particular applications.
Lack of vehicle maintenance, especially wheel alignment and front tire balancing.
Cracking caused by weather exposure.
Casings can also be saved by paying more attention to proper tire repairing. Significant advances in tire repair technology and materials have taken place in the past few years, assuring a very high percentage of damaged tires becoming able to be returned to full service once properly repaired. However, fleet tire managers are too often unaware of these advances and they scrap tires that could have otherwise been easily repaired; like throwing money down the gutter.