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Non-destructive Testing

Thanks to various non-destructive testing machinery now in place at most retread plants, retreaders now have the ability to actually see inside the tire to determine if any steel cords are damaged or rusted. In addition, the ability to determine if a tire has been run underinflated to the point it shouldn't be retreaded is now easy to spot, again thanks to non-destructive testing machines.
All of the major retread manufacturers, such as Bandag, Continental, Goodyear, Hawkinson, Marangoni, Michelin, Oliver and others, now routinely use non-destructive testing equipment in their retread plants. It has absolutely changed the way tires are retreaded for the better, according to spokesmen from the International Tire & Rubber Association and the Tire Retread Information Bureau.
Although it is a loose analogy, the ability to see inside a tire before it is retreaded allows the retreader to give each tire tested the equivalent of a CT scan or MRI. This enables the retreader to reject any tire that is not a prime candidate for a full and useful additional life.
These important new tools are improving the already outstanding record of retread performance to levels never seen before. Retreads now have an across the board adjustment rate as low or even lower than comparable new tires.
For more information about non-destructive testing equipment and a list of manufacturers of non-destructive testing equipment, please contact us.

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