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Retread Recap Remould Remanufactured

Over the years the retread tire industry has had its product called a recap, a retread, a remould, or even a remanufactured tire. All these terms are essentially variations on a name.
Is there a difference? Yes and no.
In fact, all the above are different names for a tire that had the old tread removed and new tread applied, or retreaded, the name which is most commonly used and accepted by all segments of the tire industry.
However, when a retreaded tire also has new rubber veneer applied to the sidewall (sometimes called bead-to-bead retreading) it is often called a remoulded or remanufactured tire. The sidewall rubber does add a cosmetic enhancement to the retreaded tire.
Recap is an old fashioned name for a retreaded tire and is seldom used anymore.
The only important thing for the tire buyer to insist on is that the tire has been processed by a reputable retreader and carries a warranty at least as good as a comparable new tire. If this precaution is taken, it doesn't matter what the tire is called: recap, retread, remould, or remanufactured. It will offer a better value than a comparable new tire, without any sacrifice to safety or handling.

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